We're Still Campaigning for Honest Reviews!

We’re still working on increasing honest reviews in the LBU on Amazon and Goodreads (OR wherever you purchased the books). Whether you took on the journey via ebook, paperback, or audiobook format, we’d love to hear what you thought of it. You should also tell the world your experience with it: good or bad.

Did you know a well-reviewed book increases its discoverability on Amazon? More people will see it.

Did you know when movie, television, and publishing companies of any kind researches an author, Amazon is often their method? The same goes for organizations considering doing business with the author (signings, photographers, etc,.).

So, please, if you’ve read an LB novel be sure you’ve reviewed it (honestly). It’s not too late.

Lastly, and important to note: if you’re trying to leave a review for more than two books on Amazon, spread them out over a few days. Amazon’s system will prevent you from leaving too many reviews at a time, believing it’s fraudulent.

Thanks for your consideration!

You can get started here.


✍?️ #PenningWithoutParameters ✍?️

? #ImGonnaMakeYouLoveMe ?




Upscale Magazine Mention!


Reviews Campaign!