Reviews Campaign!



We’re beginning a “Reviews” campaign in the LBU!

Did you know reviews increase product visibility on retailers’ shelves such as Amazon? That means, the more reviews, the more the website promotes it. We need this in the LBU!Did you know the following are LBU’s lowest reviewed books on Amazon?

  1. Love UnCharted - 398
  2. Love UnExpected - 433
  3. Love’s Ineligible Receiver - 441
  4. He Who Is a Lover - 459
  5. Love Delayed - 473

Did you know Our Reckless Hope is the highest reviewed book at 1,113 on Amazon? Helps to see what we’re capable of. Right?Did you know the Connecticut Kings is the lowest reviewed series on Amazon?Did you know two of our best selling serials are the lowest in reviews? Love Unaccounted (Ezra) and Wayward Love (Isaak/Young Lord). This means the reviews are indicative of the sales. There’s a huge discrepancy.What can you do?First understand all reviews should be 1000% honest. They don’t always have to be great experiences. They should, however, always be authentic. They can be one sentence or multiple paragraphs expressing your thoughts without re-telling the story.Second, start with the top 5 under-reviewed books listed above, go to Amazon and leave an honest review. If you’ve reviewed those already or once you’re done reviewing them, revisit the other LBU books you’ve not reviewed and tackle them. Perhaps go next to your favorite series and work your way down the list. It doesn’t have to be done all in one day, but we’re hoping you’ll make it a casual priority.Remember, be 100% honest, you can be as brief or detailed as you like, and it’s never too late to leave a review.Let’s build up the LBU! So many opportunities come with highly read and reviewed books. You can help bring them our way!Where do you start? The same place you purchased the book: Amazon. Or go here!  

✍?️ #PenningWithoutParameters ✍?️

? #ImGonnaMakeYouLoveMe ?


We're Still Campaigning for Honest Reviews!
