Reserve Your Seat at the Table...

Ever wanted to be someone's favorite author?

Well, this may be The Roundtable for you!


The purpose of this roundtable is to bring forward awareness to African American authors, as well as aspiring. During this panel, we will discuss the journey from a newbie to a preferred choice amongst readers. Many authors have trouble navigating the waters and are fearful as beginners. In an intimate setting, hopefully we can combat those feelings by giving more insight on the journey these established authors.

The Roundtable is returning on June 29th with amazing panelist! Love Belvin, Takerra Allen, and Sasha Ravae are all very appreciated figures in the world of African American literature, and have agreed to host this month's gathering at The Roundtable.

"From No Voice To The People's Choice," is the title of our discussion, and we will be tackling the issues authors face while navigating from newbie to preferred choice amongst readers.

Grab your seat here! 




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