What's Been on My Plate - Happy New Year!


Happy New Year!

And what a new one it’s starting out to be! I know it’s been unusual to not have received a fall release from me (at least, it has been for me). The only other time we’ve done this was in 2016, but that was because of our 2017 release schedule. While we aren’t exactly doing that in 2020, I do plan to release this winter.

To kick it off the year, I wanted to share with you what I’ve been up to since mid-2019 and will continue into 2020.

√new series

So, I did a thing I’ve never done since we began publishing. I took an entire month off of writing. I had to. The Sadik series drained me. It was a beautiful challenge and deeply taxing on my mental in the same experience. My pub-partner and I agreed I needed time off from recording. However, I didn’t kick my feet up and eat Bonbons for the month of September. There were still time-consuming tasks of the business I had to tend to.

But I am now knee-deep in Tori McNabb’s series. Yes. She’s coming for real, for real this time. I’m crazy excited to blast open the doors of her world!

The Rhythm of Blues audiobook

Remember I said I wasn’t eating Bonbons with a servant fanning me using a huge authentic feather? I’ve been working on this for months now. Let’s rewind…


In the fall of 2018, we were offered an audio-publishing contract. After negotiating for a couple of weeks, I turned it down. It wasn’t in line with my goals as an entrepreneur. So since LB had to play bo$$, I’ve been playing boss. <insert dry tears> Publishing anything is a lengthy process. And for a control-freak dramatic like me, it’s even longer and laborious.

*back to present day*

And what makes it even more challenging is the shortage—or the lack of availability—of talented, professional, Black narrators. HUGE disparity. I’ve been telling everyone who’ll listen about this opportunity. I’m not sure if it’s because those who are in the acting/entertainment industry aren’t aware or what, but there aren’t enough driven and professional, Black narrators in the game. #TeamLove will tell you! *deep sigh*

With the assistance of Jos-Renee of Indie Love, we’ve been able to secure a cast of narrators I’m confident will portray Raj and Wynter beautifully! We’re wrapping up the editing of their vocals now, and will hopefully have that out to you this winter… Get it? This Wynter? Teehee! *insert prayers here*

√updating the interior to all books (electronic & print)

I am BIG on presentation! Reading a book, be it electronic or leaflet, should be a production in LB land. When you read a book by me the first time, I want to escape you into my world. One of the things I’ve struggled with is the formatting of my books. I’ve always worked hard at a professional, clean, and consistent presentation. Oft times, I’m limited to what Kindle offers.

Last year, we purchased a program many of my peers use that will assist with this. The problem is, it’s time-consuming. It took a business day-and a quarter to reformat one book. One book! And that book is not the current project I’m working on, which means it takes away from writing time. But I’m determined to provide the best reading experience to those who support me, so I will continue to update all of my titles one book at a time. BTW, not one title; one book. Each title has to be reformatted in electronic and paperback format.

So, yeah…

√searching for visuals for the next project

As you know, we’ve been providing visuals for some of my projects. Not only does it add dimension to my art, it also allows me to work with other artists in their respective lanes. But the contracted photog on this project, Brooklyn, and his wife, Kay, have learned how particular I am. The male and female models must be the right fit.

Finding female models hasn’t been as much of a feat as finding male models. But I’m hopeful we’ll find the perfect visual for Ashton (at least for me).

√assigning all books MKT Pub-owned ISBNs

Attracting new clients, who spill their guts to me is easy; managing all the things attached to profiting from it isn’t—even with an especially competent partner. I won’t bore you with the significance of an International Standard Book Number; just know having them is important to me for my goals.

Each of our books (two per title) has been assigned an ISBN. It wasn’t until, I believe, Love’s Ineligible Receiver that we purchased our own ISBNs—new ones. Therefore, all the titles before LIR have to be assigned our new numbers (one for eFormat and another for print). Remember my stance when approached by the audio-pub company? It’s my desire to own everything I produce until it makes economic sense to offshore it for profit.

This is a part of the process of bringing all my products into one barn (AKA admin work at its finest *rolls eyes*).

√trying to justify the need of a VPA ?

I could really use a virtual personal assistant. The problem is the work isn’t consistent enough to justify the need (expense). So until the barn overflows, it’s up to me to manage it all and use my team when I can. When you see me put out that ad for a VPA, it will be reason for us all to get excited, as it will free up significant real estate in my mind to examine my clients, and time to record them.

That’s all I have for you today. I need to get back to Ashton, Tori, et al. Send good vibes only.

I’m inspired by you more than you know!




✍?️ #PenningWithoutParameters ✍?️

? #ImGonnaMakeYouLoveMe ?




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