What Does Elle Look Like, Love?

~“I’m ready to cash in my question now.”A shiver ran through me at that notion, but it was only fair.“Okay,” I breathed.“What are you mixed with?” I felt his hand finger through my blonde curls, adoringly.That had my heart pounding against his arm. It was a question I was saturated with as a child. Back then my imagination was strong and wherewithal thicker. I’d make up fun characteristics and genealogy of my father to entertain myself while satisfying the curiosities of others. Now, I’m too old to give folks a fantasy.“I don’t know.”~~Elle A. Jarreau of L.I.T.Elle Collage Several have asked for a visual for Elle. Unfortunately, after a search by about five of us, we couldn’t come up with anyone. I didn’t expect the task to be so difficult, but as you can see I didn’t settle on anyone. So, if I could give a likeness, Jasmine Sanders would be it.When Elle came to me, I knew she had the fairest of skin with a hint of tan pigmentation. She has naturally curly mane that she dyes blonde. She goes between straight and curly, though Jax prefers the coiled look on her.What sayeth you? Did you have someone else in mind when reading?

Love’s Inconvenient Truth” is now available here!





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#NewRelease by Dalia Florea