What Are They Saying About ICwE?

Have you met Ezra yet?

In Covenant with Ezra is now available!

Check out what others are saying…“*Sigh* I don't even know where to begin. This woman creates MAGIC each time she takes a pen to paper. I truly had no idea what to expect with Ezra's story but she has exceeded any expectation I could have even imagined. As with all of her stories, I laughed, I cried, I yelled, I blushed and of course I had to take a few breaks in between to gather myself. This story evoked emotions and thoughts buried deep in my subconscious.EZRA IS EVERYTHING. His demeanor, his swag, the way he articulates, that PERSONALITY can be felt way beyond the pages of the book. We got to see him not only as a man of the cloth but also as simply a man who sins just like the rest of us but doesn't stray far from the path that he is destined for. Lex was a piece of work, but could we blame her with all that she was dealt? I saw so many of my own insecurities and "issues" in her and it forced me to take a step back and take a harder look at myself.One of the things that sets Love apart from the rest is her ability to give the characters so many different facets, allowing the reader to actually get to know the characters. I thoroughly enjoyed starting this journey with Ezra and Lex and I am ecstatic about what else Love has in store for us throughout this series.”~ Amazon Reviewer“I have been both excited and afraid since learning of this new release. I didn't quite understand how it would be possible to piece together or present a story about a man of the cloth from Author Love Belvin whose storytelling is so raw, emotional, and intimate...and readers not feel a certain way about what we may or may not perceive a man of God should act or be...but Love did it, she made this story simply beautiful and honest...I got to see Ezra the pastor, the counselor, confidant, husband, a man, who was called by God, who was covered....Alexis the woman with insecurities, the survivor, the woman who would be Ezra's...I love a man who can command AUTHORITY, and a woman who can be submissive, but yet show strength...you will not be disappointed, can't wait to see what in store for this couple...”~ Amazon ReviewerIn Covenant with Ezra

Get your copy here (exclusively on Amazon)!

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Hear from Jackson Q. Hunter of L.I.T.!


"In Covenant with Ezra" Is Now Live!