5.0 out of 5 stars  ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I'll never love another!

By Gladys on March 25, 2017

Format: Kindle Edition

Verified Purchase

Breathtaking. I've read all of Love's books, but this one is otherworldly. Just a breathtaking conclusion that explores the highs, lows, left, and right of love (pardon the pun). Both of Issy and Kenny's emotions were so authentic, the language is written is such a visceral manner that you can FEEL what they're going through. Breathtaking. Bravo LB. This is in my LB top 5 as number one.

As an aside, you are anointed Love. In dark times don't let delay, denial, disappointment, or discouragement keep you from your calling or keep you from writing.


~ Amazon Reviewer ✍?

Not sure who this woman is, but I literally choked on a cry when reading this, almost two weeks ago. (It happens every once in a while ?, but Im'ma G)

I'm pretty good at absorbing reviews. I read them all. Good, bad, and ugly, I process them. The only ones that get little 'mind play' with me are the rude ones that are written with an angry hand.

Nothing says love more publicly than a review. No matter how long or short, they're helpful. Just remember we're human. No robots here. ?? Just artist. ? ?

Thanks so much for your support on Wayward Love! ??

The Right of Love is now available.


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