Thank You - Indie Love Award Recipient



What a year it’s been for me! I’m actually ‘feeling’ the connection to those who support me! ??

Even more than that, what I believed for so long is being demonstrated. My art does have a place in literature. For a while, I was lost trying to find ANYBODY to read “Love Lost” and not mis-categorize it, but just take the journey of two bruised souls finding each other. I wanted to not feel invisible in this literary world. NOW, you guys are showing up in droves, shouting my name and those of subsequent clients (characters)!

I don’t have to wonder if I’m good enough anymore. I now see that I belong. I’m “seen” along with my peers.

I can't say thanks enough to Indie Love for recognizing our art. I appreciate the culture they’re creating each time they hold events to acknowledge African American literature. ??

And, again, to ALL the nominees (and winners) we’ve all won. The readers have the last say, and they called our names before the voting process happened. THEY nominated us. ?

We’re no longer invisible. ??




✍?️ #PenningWithoutParameters ✍?️

? #ImGonnaMakeYouLoveMe ?


He Who Is...


Let Me Inspect You