#TeamLove Presents The L.I.P.'ers Club!

They're now opening it up to everyone!

L.I.P.’ers Club Holiday Announcement

L.I.P.'ers Club Full Package

Due to the overwhelming reception to the Waiting to Breathe series, #TeamLove has come up with something we think can further connect readers with Love Belvin this holiday season.

As the Love’s Improbable Possibility series (L.I.P.) was gaining steam and so many of you took to it and more specifically, Azmir & Rayna, we were in search of a way to better connect with those Love affectionately calls "L.I.P.ers." #TeamLove wants a way for readers of Love Belvin to be able to represent the brand in their cities and towns for the holidays. We've finally come up with the L.I.P.'ers Club! This is an exclusive club for lovers of the L.I.P. series. Those belonging to the club would receive the Love Belvin and L.I.P. swag listed below.Regrettably, because of cost constraints and to maintain the exclusivity of the L.I.P.'ers Club, #TeamLove has limited the number of those eligible to join to 100. By electing to join the L.I.P.'ers Club you will receive the following:

1. A.D. Jacobs t-shirt

2. A.D. Jacobs keychain

3. Love Belvin wine glass (y'all know she enjoys a good glass of wine while writing or reading)

4. Autographed paperback copies of all four books in the L.I.P. series.

5. A short update (story) on Azmir and Rayna mailed to your Kindle account.

Again, membership is being limited to the first 100 to join and the cost to join is $75. If you're interested in joining, please email Info@LoveBelvin.com.As always, THANK YOU for your support!!#ShesMadeUsLoveHerHappy Holidays,#TeamLove


Book Review: Love's Improbable Possibility Series


Plot-driven versus Character-driven