Reviews Are Needed in the LBU ?!

Still at it!We're in need of honest Amazon and Goodreads (or wherever you purchased the books you've read) reviews in the LBU ?.

What can you do?

Write honest reviews for the LB books you've enjoyed. First understand all reviews should be 1000% honest. They don’t always have to be great experiences. They should, however, always be authentic. They can be one sentence or multiple paragraphs expressing your thoughts without re-telling the story.

Second, start with the top 5 under-reviewed books listed, go to Amazon and leave an honest review. If you’ve reviewed those already or once you’re done reviewing them, revisit the other LBU books you’ve not reviewed and tackle them. Perhaps go next to your favorite series and work your way down the list. It doesn’t have to be done all in one day, but we’re hoping you’ll make it a casual priority.

Remember, be 100% honest, you can be as brief or detailed as you like, and it’s never too late to leave a review.Lastly, if you have more than two reviews to write, spread them out over a few days. Too many reviews may trip off Amazon's system for fraudulent reviewers, which we're not. 

Thanks for your consideration!

You can get started here.


✍?️ #PenningWithoutParameters ✍?️

? #ImGonnaMakeYouLoveMe ?




Upscale Magazine Mention!