Join the L.I.P.'ers Club!

#BroughtToYouByTeamLove ????


Are you a super fan of the "Love's Improbable Possibility" series?

???? Become a member of its club! By electing to join the L.I.P.'ers Club you will receive the following: 1. A.D. Jacobs t-shirt 2. A.D. Jacobs flashlight keychain 3. Love Belvin wine glass (y'all know she enjoys a good glass of wine while writing or reading) 4. Autographed paperback copies of all four books in the L.I.P. series. 5. A short update (story) on Azmir and Rayna mailed to your Kindle account.

For more information click here!

Peep the blurb of the short story. ??


L.I.P.'ers Club Members



? Ezra is FREE!! ?

