Indie Love 2023

I know I’ve told several of you who asked where I’d be next year that I wouldn’t be signing. And I really meant it. I’ve had a tumultuous year and really felt I needed to focus on my writing and planting a few seeds for my career (so much going on behind the scenes for the LBU).

However, #TeamLove asked me several times to reconsider and remember the sheer joy we experience when being able to love on my sister-readers. After the pandemic descended upon us, I see it wise to not delay opportunities to connect with you. So, our family, Indie Love, spun the block and generously extended the invitation again.

It’s only right that we reconvene the family reunion in 2023.

Stay tuned for more #IndieLove23 announcements! 😉

Oh! And click here to purchase your tickets!

✍🏽️ #PenningWithoutParameters ✍🏽️

💜 #ImGonnaMakeYouLoveMe 💜


That’s It. That’s My Blog…


Merch Sale!