Happy Mother's Day! - Take 2

Happy Mother’s Day, to all in the LB Universe! ?

To observe this special day, let’s revisit a few moments where the unconditional love of a woman to her child—or her child’s love interest—shined through during critical times of need.

There’s nothing like the sacrificial love of an attending mother. We honor women who have provided nurturing for the better of their communities. May we all have felt it or expensed it to those we serve in any maternal capacity! ?

Let’s start with our favorite bondage mogul... ??

‘Memba this?

~“Thanks for this, Queen.” I kissed my mother’s cheek as her assistant and Bilan watched by the door.

She was all packed up. Kimmy and Bilan washed her fancy china and other dishes she transported her food here in. Her assistant, Kema, a young twenty-something-year-old, held the rolling cart filled with my mother’s things.“Oh, baby,” my mother sang. “you know that’s what I was born to do. To have your back.” She nodded firmly.“That you do.” I smiled. Then I asked Kema, “You sure I can’t help you out with that?”“No.” She shook her head. “I’m fine. It’s my companion.”I nodded, conceding.My mother then turned to Bilan. “Is there anything more I can do for you?”Bilan didn’t answer right away. Her face lifted into a crooked grin and she bit her lip. I took to her side, placing my hands on her shoulders.“Yes. You can, actually. But first, I want to say thank you so much, Ms. Irene.” Bilan’s shoulders lifted. “For everything. I know you’re Sadik’s biggest fan, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge your sacrifice of time and confidence. Thank you for sitting with my brother this week. Thanks for pulling off his funeral in less than twenty-four hours. And thanks for the kindness you’ve shown my family. More specifically, I appreciate you making them feel like I belong somewhere.”I squeezed her shoulders in encouragement. That was a mouthful and, I was sure, difficult to admit.My mother took a step closer to us, her forehead tightening. “Honey, my child says you belong to him. That means you belong to me, too. I saw what those weeks of you being away did to my son. I’d never seen him that dismal. If I can do more to guarantee those days do not return, I’m going to do it.”Bilan’s shocked regard rolled up to me behind her.“And Bilan,” my mother continued. “I meant what I said about wishing I knew your mom. I’d used her divine maternal knowledge of you to get to know you better. I wish I had her approval to envelope you into my family.”Bilan glanced up at me again. “If there’s a way, I can assure you, your son has already sought out both my parents’ approval and has gotten it.” There was a bite and air of confidence in that statement.She rolled her eyes from me back to my mother.“So tell me.” My mother’s laced fingers dropped below her belly as a show of humility.  “What can I do for you, Bilan?”Bilan snorted. “You think you can point me in the right direction for a job at Ellis Academy?”I couldn’t trust my damn ears. Bilan was interested in one of our family’s businesses? She was adamant about not doing exactly that.My mother’s surprised regard was on me before it returned to my lady in front of me. “Baby, I’d be more than happy to send you a list of openings. If there’s something in mind you want, but don’t see, we’ll create a role for you.”Kema was already pulling out her tablet.“Thank you, Ms. Irene.”“Oh, no!” My mother’s neck rolled with sass. “I’m Mrs. Ellis around my subordinates, but in your home, we have to come up with something more intimate.”Bilan nodded. “I’d like that.”That short exchange brightened my day. I may not have been able to get her to fall head over heels for me yet, but Bilan had shown signs of settling into my life. That was a major play on the board.We walked my mother and Kema out, watched them board the elevator, and waved them off as the doors closed. Together, we trekked inside the apartment, hand in hand. Such a quiet moment in a somber day. I didn’t know what was ahead for her, I only knew I’d be there to endure it with her.~



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Happy Mother's Day! - Take 1


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