Happy 2023!

šŸŽ­ A New Year when loveā€™s unaccountedā€¦ šŸ“æ

ā€˜Memba this?

~New Yearā€™s came around. Alexis attended her first Watch Night service. There was a seven p.m. and ten p.m. service. I officiated over both. As sheā€™d been doing, she attended both services. Although I didnā€™t get to interface with her in between, I was impressed by her presence. At the close of the first service when the church went up in praise, I caught a glimpse of her standing in the congregation, stock-still with her hands clasped at her chest as she fixed her eyes on me, channeling an array of emotion from her orbs. I was too caught up in directing the atmosphere to assess her condition, but Iā€™d caught it. 

When the countdown had commenced seconds before the clock struck twelve during the second service, I didnā€™t ignore the sheer emotion of contentment my kitten had displayed as she rocked herself with clasped palms, beaming in my direction. I left the pulpit and met her sparing a second before the event. When I arrived at her pointy toe heels, Alexisā€™ arms opened to me instinctively and as I received her into my chest, she nuzzled against my neck. It was another exhibition of her new and peculiar affectionate behavior, only this time it was acted out in public. My fierce grip on her was to balance myself against the disturbing zings of an unknown source shooting all over my body. As I held her, totally encapsulated from the amazed eyes around, I was grateful for the cloak of my clergy robe. 

ā€˜God, what is this?ā€™ was all I could askā€¦again. It was the identical question Iā€™d whispered in the echoes of my mind since she began these episodes down in the sandbox when she invited me to a movie. It was the same that sheā€™d let slip while we soaked in the tub, down in the Jacuzzi, in the sandbox after hours of sexual experimentation. It was the one show of emotion Alexis would give that I had yet to understand.~

~Ezra Carmichael

The Love Unaccounted series is available here!

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