Ey Wade's "When Clouds Touch"

This book touched my heart and made me cry!When Clouds Touch is the story of soul mates, Paisley and Malachi .Destined to meet since before birth, their story wraps us somewhere between loving and caring, wanting the best for someone, while wanting to see them happy, even when it is risky and they must obey the demands of family.Paisley, a woman of Japanese descent, living with Albinism and heart disease, is meek, yet makes no apologies for seeking what she yearns to have. Hiding behind the protective fold of her wagasa, she longs for freedom from her overprotective parents and the love of a man she's known only in her dreams, even at the cost of her health.Malachi, a man who has visions of meeting an elusive shadow, uses his sense of humor and sensitive side to build their relationship. He's determined to win her love, even against the wishes of her parents.

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When Clouds Touch


Paisley clutched the material covering her heart as Malachi released a rush of air. One of his hands holding her elbow to steady her while the other put the Japanese umbrella back into her hands.

“You’d swear we’ve been through this before. Feels like deja vu.”

“I know. I felt it too geeze,” She laughed, head down as she lifted her backpack to her shoulder. “I thought my heart was going to stop.” And stopped, she thought it had, when she raised eyes and found herself looking up and into the face lowered to her height.

For years she’d imagined what she would do if she had a chance to meet him face to face and now that she had, all she could do was stand like a love-struck groupie and calmly try to get her heart rate to slow down.


"Love Delivered" Teaser from www.LoveBelvin.com


Cover Reveal from www.LoveBelvin.com