Cover Reveal - Mercy

Ashira, a belle from the suburbs, is the wealthy acting CEO of her father’s booming building firm. That’s when she’s not the dancer on the Gram and TikTok, dating the latest Black Hollywood shooting star.

To her, Jas, a construction laborer, is a walking conundrum. He’s fruitlessly ambitious yet steadfast in his spiritual convictions. He’s enigmatic, well-read, regimented, and poor. Oh, and a felon. An incredibly disarming parolee who wants no connection to her. Until he does.

Two souls, galaxies apart. 

He’s an unanticipated UFO about to collide in her world like an unmitigated asteroid.

Publisher’s Note: Mercy is book ONE of a THREE book series. It ends on a suspenseful CLIFFHANGER. This book contains angst, violence, profanity, sexually explicit content, and potential gory material. If any of these elements is not what you prefer between the pages of a novel, this is not the venture for you. 

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