Soooooooo excited to finally roll out promotion for the first project with my #AuthorBae and best selling author, Christina C. Jones!

It's taken over a year to search for characters we could explore. Characters that have a connection of their own (like bae and me). We found them in Connecticut, on the King's team! Take a look at what we're finishing up on to bring to you this summer! And peep the cover reveals!


Can you tell the difference between a distraction and a blessing? It should be simple, but sometimes what we think is a distraction can actually be a turning of the tide required to bring life full circle, to a place of blessing.

Trent ImageMeet Trent Bailey, who is fighting for the right to continue his stellar professional football career after enduring striking legal woes in the recent past. Trent cannot and will not blow his second chance for anyone; after all, this is the blessing he’s been praying for. After receiving confirmation that staying focused is all he needs, it’s what he aims to do. No distractions. That’s until he bumps into two unexpected overnight guests.

Jade Image

Jade Matthews is doing everything she can for herself and her young son, Kyree. After journeying through her own bumps in the road, she’s finally getting it together. She’s doing what she has to do to make sure her family of two stays afloat. Life’s setbacks won’t stop Jade from providing for her little one, even though she fumbles each pass thrown at her.

What starts out as a temporary favor turns into rapid passion. There’s one agenda here, but getting to the same meeting point has never been more difficult. Fighting their way through trust and self-esteem issues, the two must meet in the right zone; the red zone, where you may think you’re safe, but life has a way of intercepting blessings and…turning the tide.

 LITRZ CKings Logo First impressions don’t have to be everything.

But second, third, fourth impressions create a reputation, and those are hard to break. In the public eye, where everybody is tuned in to your every move, and behind the scenes, where certain people are privy to the real you… or at least what they perceive you to be.

Jordan Image

Jordan Johnson is a man under pressure – from his teammates, fans, family, and the one person who wants to see him succeed as badly as he wants it for himself. He’ll do whatever he has to in order to not let anyone down… and maybe find an unanticipated connection along the way.

Cole Image

Nicole Richardson is a woman with a purpose – prove herself worthy of her place in a male-dominated field. Fiercely competitive, wielder of tough love and motivation, and terrible at dealing with things outside of her control. Between making sure the players are thriving, and coping with a changing family dynamic, a relationship isn’t even on her radar. 

Denying their chemistry would be a waste of words, but giving in isn’t an option.

A season on the line.

Reputations at stake.

The threat of seeing their personal lives played out on the evening highlights.

With all of that swirling around them, Jordan and Nicole have to decide if it’s worth the effort to make the play… or take a knee. 



When, Love?

This summer! I'll keep you posted on the deets. Don't forget to check my website for updates for the series and more! 


Trent's Take On Jade... #ConnecticutKings


Flashback: My 2014Interview w/ Azmir Jacobs of L.I.P.